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膜技术在生物柴油制备中的应用 [摘要] :随着经济的快速发展,人们对传统石化能源的消耗量越来越大,引发了全球的能源 和环境危机,因此,对可再生能源的开发已经逐步成为当今科学研究的热点。作为以可再生 生物资源为主要生产原料的生物柴油,是目前世界普遍关注的重要代用燃料之一,是典型的 “绿色能源”,是优质的石油柴油代用品。生物柴油是以动、植物油脂以及废弃的油脂为原料 与甲醇经酯交换反应制备的新型替代能源,其主要成分是脂肪酸甲酯。生物柴油具有粘度低、 闪点高、十六烷值高、无毒和可生物降解等优点,而且可以减少温室气体的排放。对解决地 球升温、酸雨问题、改善人类的生存环境、实现经济的可持续发展具有重要的意义。生物柴 油不仅燃烧性能与石油柴油相当,且具有环境友好、资源可再生的优点,是替代石油柴油的 理想燃料之一。本文主要介绍了膜在生物柴油生产中的应用。 [关键词]:生物柴油;膜;膜分离; [abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the consumption of traditional fossil energy is more and more big what has been caused the global energy and environmental crisis. Therefore, the renewable energy development has gradually become the hot spot in todays scientific research. The raw material of biodiesel as a main renewable biological resources has been catch the world attention. One of the important alternative fuels is a typical green energy. Green energy has been become the quality of petroleum diesel substitute. Biodiesel use the dynamic, vegetable oil and waste oil as the raw material. By the ester exchange reaction and methanol preparation of a new type of alternative energy sources . The main composition of raw material is fatty acid methyl ester. Biodiesel not only has low viscosity, high flash point, high cetane number, and the advantages of nontoxic and biodegradable, but also can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. It is very important to solve the problem of the earth warming, acid rain. It also can improvement the human survival environment, to realize the sustainable development of economy. Biodiesel combustion performance not only with petroleum diesel, and possesses the advantages of environmental friendly and renewable resources, is one of the ideal alternative to petroleum diesel fuel. This paper mainly introduces the application of membrane in biodiesel production. [key words] : Biodiesel; Membrane; Membrane separation;


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