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19 9 化 学 进 展 Vol.19 No.9 2007 9 PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY  Sep., 2007 荧光聚合物研究进展* 1 ** 2 武照强  孟令芝 (1.中南民族大学化学与材料科学学院催化材料科学湖北省重点实验室  武汉430074; 2.武汉大学化学与分子科学学院 武汉430072)   本 总结了近年来荧光聚合物的研究进展, 主要介绍了荧光聚合物的分类:按其溶解性能可分 为非水溶性、水溶性和两亲荧光聚合物3 大类;荧光聚合物的合成:荧光化合物为引发剂、荧光化合物为链转 移剂、荧光功能单体聚合、荧光化合物与聚合物的化学键合、非荧光功能单体聚合等5 种制备荧光聚合物的 设计合成方法;荧光聚合物的应用:荧光聚合物在荧光化学传感器、荧光分子温度计、荧光造影、药物载体、荧 光探针等方面的应用研究。  荧光聚合物 荧光 合成 应用 :O631.2;TQ314.2 :A  :1005-281X(2007)09-1381-12 Progress in Fluorescent Polymers 1 ** 2 Wu Zhaoqiang  Meng L ingzhi (1.Key La oratory of Catalysis and Materials Science of Hu ei Province, College of Chemistry and Materials Sciences, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China; 2.College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China) Abstract  During the past two decades, research on fluorescent polymers has attracted increasing interests ecause of their important application in the fields of life science and medicine.The latest research progress in fluorescent polymers is summarized as follows.(1)Classification of fluorescent polymers.Although there are different methods to classify fluorescent polymers, according to its solu ility, fluorescent polymers can e divided into three types which is hydropho ic, hydrophilic and amphiphilic, individually;(2)Five methods of design and synthesis of fluorescent polymers.Fluorescent polymers can e synthesized y using fluorescent compounds as initiator, fluorescent compounds as chain transfer agents, polymerization of fluorescent


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