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山西师范大学现代文理学院本科毕业论文 论钓鱼执法背后的法律问题 姓 名 王 龙 专 业 法 学 班 级 0703班 学 号 0790020306 指导教师 韩 斌 成 绩 答辩日期 山西师范大学现代文理学院 二○一一年六月 论钓鱼执法背后的法律问题 内容摘要 在我国法治建设进程中,作为执法者的人民政府的行为受到了公民的关注与监督, 于是公平执法就成了我们口中所热议的话题了。那在2009年的钓鱼执法事件中,它不 仅使得公众对执法机关公正、严明的执法产生了怀疑,对社会道德更加是釜底抽薪般的 打击。更让公民开始怀疑我们的法治背后是代表着到底是善还是恶的利益,我们坚信的 法律还能否保护我们的合法权益。本文从钓鱼执法的不合理之处入手,深刻揭示了钓鱼 执法的违法性。从行政法原则出发全面的分析钓鱼执法这种不合理的社会现象,再从法 治角度出发提出解决钓鱼执法的建议。 【关键词】钓鱼执法 合法性 法制建设 II Concerning the Legal Issues Behind Fishing Law Enforcement Abstract In the process of constructing the rule of law in our country, as law enforcers by the peoples government of the citizens activities are the attention and supervision, and fair enforcement became our mouth the topic of hot debate. That in 2009, the fishing law enforcement event not only make it public law enforcement agencies justice,strict law enforcement doubt onsocial morality , more is the removing burning wood from under the boiler hit. More let citizens began to doubt our rule is representing exactly is behind the interests of good or evil,we firmly believe that laws also can protect our legitimate rights and interests. This article from fishing enforcement of the shortcomings of profoundly revealed the fishing law enforcement, the illegality. Starting from the comprehensive analysis of the principle of administrative law enforcement the unreasonable fishing social phenomenon, and againfromAngle of law enforcement proposal put forward to solve fishing. 【Keywords】fishing law enforcement legitimacy legalsyste


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