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延安大学 建筑学院 摘 要 地基的不均匀沉降是建筑物在后期使用过程中产生裂缝的主要 原因,而过大的裂缝将使建筑物失去使用功能,因此研究地基的不均 匀沉降对建筑物在使用过程中的安全性、耐久性具有重要意义。延安 市第四次党代会上,延安市决定实施 “中疏外扩”、 “上山建城”的 城市发展新战略。要推山填沟造一座新成,建设过程中遇到的各种技 术难题可想而知。延安正在开始建设世界上湿陷性黄土地区 “平山、 填沟、造地、建城”规模最大的岩土工程,并且没有先例可循,也正 是由于削山填沟,导致的新区地基土的低饱和性、高压缩性、不均匀 性等。这几点是造成地基不均匀沉降的致命缺点。 在本文中,将先通过黄土的物理力学性质分析黄土的沉降机理, 得出影响黄土地基沉降的两个重要因素即压缩性和湿陷性。针对压缩 性和湿陷性的成因分析延安新区工程中地基不均匀沉降机理。最后针 对地基的不均匀沉降的机理,结合实例工程就处理措施做了简要的讨 论。 关键词:黄土; 不均匀沉降; 压缩性; 湿陷性 第 1 页 延安大学 建筑学院 Abstract Uneven settlement of the foundation is the main reason that buildings make rifts in the process of their later using. However, large cracks will make buildings lose their using function. Therefore, researching the uneven settlement of the foundation has great significance on the security and durability of buildings using process. On the fourth party congress of yan’an, “middle evacuate, outside enlarge” and “make city on mountains” have been decided to use in the development of yan’an new district. And the purpose is to make a new city by pushing mountains and filling trenches. It is conceivable that all kinds of technical problems will appear during the process of construction. Yan’an is starting to build the world largest geotechnical engineering project in the area of collapsible loess, by “cutting mountains, filling trenches, creating ground and building city”, even there is no example that can follow. And it is also because of cutting mountains and filling trenches, which lead to low saturability, high compressibility, nonuniformity in new area foundation and so on. And these are the fatal w


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