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编号 毕业设计(论文) 秦皇岛正大有限公司食品的营销策略研究 Marketing strategy research of Qinhuangdao CP food 院(系)名称 管理学院 专业名称 市场营销 学生姓名 马云鹏 学号 111606006 指导教师 孙秀英 副教授 2015年6月22日 摘要 食品工业不仅与人民生活质量、健康水平密切相关,而且是消费品工业中为国家提供积累最多、吸纳城乡劳动就业人员最多、与农业依存度最大、与其他行业关联度最强的一个工业门类。同时食品工业在世界经济中一直占着举足轻重的地位。在法国,食品工业的总产值超过了汽车工业,居国民经济之首。我国食品工业自改革开放以来,在向市场经济转型和确立的过程中,食品行业取得迅猛发展,并连续多年在国民经济比率中居于首位。 本文从市场营销理论基础入手,对市场营销现状及问题进行探讨,利用swot分析正大秦皇食品在秦皇岛市场的营销环境,最后提出了正大秦皇食品在秦皇岛市市场营销策略建议,对以后正大秦皇食品在秦皇岛市场乃至全国市场具有一定借鉴意义。 关键词:食品; 区域营销; 营销策略 Abstract Food industry is not only closely related to peoples life quality and health level, and it is the consumer goods industry for countries to provide the most, the absorption of urban and rural labor employment personnel, and the maximum degree of agricultural dependency, and other industry correlation is the strongest one industrial category. At the same time, the food industry in the world economy has a pivotal position. In France, the output value of more than the car industry, food industry among the top of the national economy. The food industry in our country since reform and opening up, in the process of transforming to market economy and establish, the food industry has achieved rapid development, and for many years in the ratio of the national economy in the first place. This article obtains from the marketing theory, marketing present situation and problems were discussed, using the swot analysis zhengda many dissenting Confucian food marketing environment in qinhuangdao, finally proposed the board many dissenting Confucian food in qinhuangdao city marketing strategy advice, for future zhengda many dissenting Confucian food has some reference value in qinhuangdao market and even the national market. Keywords: food; regional marketing; the marketing strategy 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1选题背景及意义 1 1.2研究的意义 1 第2章 市场营销相关理论 2 2.1 4P营销理论 2 2.2 SWOT分析 2 2.2.1优势与劣势分析(SW) 3 2.2.2机会与威胁分析(OT) 3 2.3制定行动计划 3 第3章 正大秦皇食品秦皇岛市营销现状及问题 4 3.1秦皇岛正大有限公司概况 4 3.2正大秦


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