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摘要 在全世界范围内,人们在研究市场营销策略的时候越来越多的把目光投向企业创立品牌的方面,品牌是21世纪中国市场深切的呼唤。如今世界经济全球化、一体化步伐越来越快,加之我国改革开放的进一步加深,通过对外贸易在世界贸易中所占的比例逐年上升,世界排名也不断上升,成为仅次于美国的第二大贸易国。但是,我们应该看到,我国的进步主要依靠的是数量的增长和廉价的劳动力,是以中国劳动力的收入水平大幅度低于世界平均劳动力收入水平为代价的。当前的我国的进出口贸易不能仅仅满足于低附加值的产品出口,而应该打造具有自主知识产权的世界知名品牌,应在经济全球化的背景下取得“中国制造”的比较优势和竞争优势。 在经济全球化的今天,中国的企业要想在全球范围的竞争中获得生存,就必须在战略的高度上重视品牌战略,很多国内企业在品牌经营上仍存在很多问题,目前中国市场品牌发展水平还处于初级阶段,缺少“世界级”的品牌,一个企业没有品牌意识的话,必然会在激烈的竞争性市场中失去市场。 本文基于我国对外贸易中的品牌现状,分析了现阶段我国外贸品牌在进出口中品牌方面存在的问题,并针对这些问题探讨了我国在对外贸易方面而应采取的品牌战略。 关键词:出口 品牌战略ABSTRACT In the context of the world ,people pay more attention to the marketing strategies while an increasing number of studies towards to creating brand ,brand is a deep call of the 21st century China .Current the pace of globalization of the world economy speeding up , together with further deepening reform and opening up in China,China’s economy has got great development and made considerably progress, foreign trade has gained great achievements in the world , lags behind to the United State’s become the second-largest trading nation in the world. As China’s foreign trade proportion of the world increased, the ranks of the world also increased .However ,we should realize that developments of China’s foreign trade mainly rely on the growth of amount and cheaper labor , are at the cost of labor’s income level considerably below world average labor income .Current foreign trade should build with independent intellectual property rights of the well-known brands to create comparative advantage and competitive advantage under the background of economic globalization rather than just be satisfied with low value-added products’ exports . Faced with economic globalization , if enterprise of China be to survive in the competition of global ,must pay more attention to brand strategy on the height of strategy, many national enterprise in brand strategy still has many problems ,now in China market the development of brand level is also on primary stage, lacking” world level ”


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