LCD 结构介绍,特别是广视角讲得很透彻.pdf

LCD 结构介绍,特别是广视角讲得很透彻.pdf

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LCD 结构介绍,特别是广视角讲得很透彻

Mid-term Report Please select one of the following topics 1. Micro-optical Waveguide 2. Micro-planner optics 3. Micro-optics on Array illuminations 4. Micro-optics for beam shaping 5. Micro-optics on information storage 6. Micro-optics with hybrid lens 7. Micro-optics on Display 8. Applications of Subwave-length grating 9. Optical MEMs Systems 10.Active LC Micro-optics 11.Micro-optics for Bio. Applications 12.Photonic Crystal Please select one of the following topics Please Return the Final Report to Room.511 before May.2nd(Monday) 1 Advanced Display Optics Lab Optical Design, Fabrication, and Measurement LC-Optics And LC Modes Assosiate Professor: Yi-Pai Huang Department of Photonics and Display Institute Outline  Introduction of LC Physics LC-Optics - Jones Matrix - Optics of TN-LCD - Polarizer and Compensator LC modes - Wide Viewing Angle Tech. - Low Color-washout Tech. of VA - Other LC modes and Applications 3 Advanced Display Optics Lab History of LCD 西元 1888年奧地利植物學家F. Reinitzer首先發現液態晶體 (Liquid crystals簡稱- 液晶 ) 的存在,接著便開啟了之後相關的基礎研究與發展。 4 Advanced Display Optics Lab History of LCD 西元1973年, 日本夏普(Sharp)公司成功開發出以


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