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第22 卷 第5 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.22 No.5 May 2002 2002 年5 月 Proceedings of the CSEE © 2002 Chin. Soc. for Elec.Eng. 文章编号:0258-8013 (2002)05-0109-07 电机的机电耦联与磁固耦合非线性振动研究 邱家俊 ( 天津大学力学系,天津,300072) INVESTIGATION ON COUPLED MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL VIBRATION AND COUPLED MAGNETICAL AND SOLID VIBRATION OF ELECTRICAL MACHINE QIU Jia-jun (Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072, China ) ABSTRACT : This paper overviews systematically the recent 共振;电磁激发的多重共振;交流电机机电耦联振动的非线 research results concerning coupled mechanical and electrical 性理论;机电耦联失稳振荡及其动态分岔分析;定子系统磁 vibration of rotor system and coupled magnetical and solid 固耦合的多重共振)。全文列举了63篇论文,大部分论文 vibration of the stator system of generator set.These results can 的理论结果均得到了实验的验证。最后,对此领域研究工作 be divided into three fields:nonlinear vibration excited by 的工程意义及今后的研究展望进行了阐述。 electrical and magnetical forces; nonlinear dynamics of coupled 关键词: 机电耦联;磁固耦合;参数共振;多重共振;失 mechanical and electrical system; couled magnetical and solid 稳振荡 nonlinear vibration of the stator of the generator set. Five subjects are introduced in detail.They are: parametrically 中图分类号:TM301.3 文献标识码:A excited resonance by coupled electrical and magnetical 1引言 parameters; multiple resonance excited by coupled electrical and magnetical parameters; multiple resonance excited by 电机的种类很多,用途各异,有交流电机和直 couled electrical and magnetical forces; nonlinear vibration of 流电机,交流电机中有交流发电机和交流电动机, coupled mechanical and electrical system of AC motor; 直流电机中也有直流发电机和直流电动机。各种火 dynamic bifurcation, dynamic inst


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