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# 948# ( ) 20 10 6 7 6 Ch in J M ed U ltrasound ( E lectron ic E dit ion) , June 20 10, V ol 7, N o 6 # # : 李胜利 文华轩 = ( 3VV ) ( 3VT ) , 3VV 3VT 9 , 3VV 3VT , 26 76 3VV 3VT 3VV 3VT , = ; ; ; ; Design and application of ultrasound section draw ings: abnorm al findings in fe- tal three vessels view and/or three vessels and trachea view L I Sheng-li, WEN H ua-xuan. D ep artment of Ultrasound, ShenzhenM aternit ChildH ealthcareH osp ital Aff iliated to SouthernM ed ical Universit , Shenzhen 518028, China =Abstract Objective The sect ion draw ings of abnorm al u ltrasonograph ic findings in feta l three vesse ls view ( 3VV ) and / or three vessels and trachea view ( 3VT ) w ere presen ted to determ ine the features of cardiac abnorm alit ies revea led in such sect ions in prenata l d iagnos is M ethods T he records of fetu ses w ith prenatal d-i agnos is of var ious typ ica l cardiac m alform at ions in our in stitution betw een 2000 and 2009 w ere collected T he d iagnos is w as confirm ed by postp artum surgery or autopsy T he ultrasonographic characterist ics as w e ll as the key po ints of diagnos is and d ifferen- t ia l diagnos is of cardiac m alform ation s w ere exh ib ited in 3VV and / or 3VT in the sec- t ion draw ings Results T he features of cardiac m alform ation in 3VV and / or 3VT w ere show ed in 76 types of 26 groups Conclusion T he sect ion draw ings of the ab- norm al 3VV and / or 3VT are help ful for identif icat ion of the abnorm a l feta l heart and diagnosis of the m ore com plicated congen ital cardiac m alform ations =Ke words F etu s; H eart abnorm alit ies; P renata l u ltrasonography; T hree v


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