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Experimental technique: This experiment uses healthy male in February age
Wistar big mouse 64, the body weight in 180±10g, divides cage raising, all big mice
the compatibility raise one week later carries on the formal training. Will test the big
mouse according to the stochastic principle to divide into 8 groups, namely: the
peaceful control group, the moderate formaldehyde contamination peaceful group, the
specific weight formaldehyde contamination peaceful group, the pure movement
control group, the moderate formaldehyde contamination add the movement group,
the specific weight formaldehyde contamination to add the movement group, the
moderate formaldehyde contamination to add movement acanthopanax group, the
specific weight formaldehyde contamination to add movement acanthopanax group.
According to the national promulgations indoor environment concentration of
contaminant standard, makes the artificial simulation varying degree formaldehyde
contamination environment. The experimental group carries on the 1m formaldehyde
pollution glass warehouse moves the type contamination, the formaldehyde
contamination adds movement acanthopanax group to fill stomach 10% the solution
of acanthopanax every day, for the dose is 10ml/kg, other groups fill the same volume
the distilled water. The big mouse carries on under often the oxygen formaldehyde
pollution of the environment runs the Taiwan training, daily 1 time, in 8:00-12:00, the
speed increases progressively from 10m/min to 20m/min, the time 30 min/days, runs
the taiwan slope is 0%, carries a heavy load is 0%. After five weeks contamination
training had ended, beheads the execution in the 6th week
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