RJ45集成磁性组件连接器_ICM_产品可靠性测试规格书 - 精华.pdf

RJ45集成磁性组件连接器_ICM_产品可靠性测试规格书 - 精华.pdf

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RJ45集成磁性组件连接器_ICM_产品可靠性测试规格书 - 精华

RJ45 集成磁性组件连接器产品规格书 10May2012, Rev. B RJ45 ICM PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RJ45 集成磁性组件连接器产品规格书 RJ45 ICM PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1. 范围 Scope 该标准涵盖通用型 RJ45 集成磁性组件连接器系列(简称 ICM, 包含 Non-PoE 和带 PoE, 90 度转角, 180 度转角,带 LED 和不带 LED 产品,直插焊接型)之功能要求及测试方法。 This specification covers the requirements for product performance and test methods of RJ45 Integrated magnetics Connector Modulars (called ICM), Non-PoE and PoE/PoE+, Right Anagle and Vertical, Through hole, with Integrated Magnetics, With and Without LEDs. 2. 标准文件 Applicable Standards 本规格部分内容来自下述标准文件。除非特别指明,否则下述标准文件均适用于必威体育精装版版本。如本规格中 的要求与产品图纸发生矛盾,应当以产品图纸为准。如本规格中的要求与标准文件矛盾,应当以本规格 要求为准。 The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition of the document applies. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the product drawing, the product drawing shall take precedence. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the referenced documents, this specification shall take precedence. 2.1 自定义的测试程序Custom Test Procedures RJ45 连接器正向力(Normal Force)测试指示 Test Procedure for Normal Force of RJ45 connector RJ45 连接器插头与插孔动态/静态保持力测试指示 Test Procedure for Dynamic pull, plug retention to jack and Static pull, plug retention to jack of RJ45 connector RJ45 连接器接触电阻测试指示 Test Procedure for Low level contact resistance (LLCR) of RJ45 connector RJ45 集成磁性连接器的 LCR 参数说明及其通用测试指南 Test Procedure for LCR of RJ45 ICM RJ45 集成磁性连接器的耐压特性说明及其测试原则 制订:饶利军 [Lee (Lijun) Rao] 初版时间:2003 年 6 月;修订时间:2012 年 5 月 10 日 页码 1 / 28 RJ45 集成磁性组件连接器产品规格书


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