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摘要 经济型快捷酒店越来越受到外出旅游者的喜爱。快捷连锁酒店行业在短短几年时间 内实现了跨越式的发展。无论从行业规模还是从某一具体品牌规模来看,我国的快捷连 锁酒店行业的发展速度过快,已经成为了一个被业内人士称为“烧钱”的行业。在高速 发展的背后是不断暴露出诸多的问题,市场价格混乱,新产品开发力度不够;酒店选址 不科学;主要针对差旅型客人而忽视了个人休闲旅游市场;酒店未来发展战略不清晰等 等问题。国外饭店集团对于国内庞大的市场也虎视眈眈,经过短暂的试探,国外饭店集 团旗下的快捷连锁酒店品牌纷纷加大扩张的脚步,加大了在国内的投资力度。面对严峻 的国内外形势,国内快捷连锁酒店的经营者们要想乱中取胜,就应该充分挖掘企业潜力, 寻找适合企业未来发展的最佳方式及道路。将市场开拓重心转移到走品牌化、多样化的 道路上来,加大产品开发力度,加强企业内部管理,挖掘企业潜力。开发细分市场,打 造更加具有针对性的品牌。 关键词 经济型;快捷酒店;现状;发展趋势 I Abstract Budget hotel has attracted more and more tourists. Quick hotel chain industry achieved great-leap-forward development in a few years time. Whether from the scale of industry or from the point of view of a particular brand of scale, development speed hotel chain industry in Chinas development is too fast, has become one of the industry was called burn money industry. Behind the high-speed development is constantly exposed many problems, confusion in the market price, new product development efforts is not enough; the hotel location is not scientific; mainly for travel guests and ignore the individual leisure tourism market; strategy is not clear and so on the future development of the hotel. Foreign hotel group also look at fiercely as a tiger does for the huge domestic market, after a short trial, quick chain hotel brand of foreign hotel groups have increased the pace of expansion, increase in domestic investment. Faced with the grim situation, if the domestic express chain hotel operators want to win , they should change the enterprise future development mode and path mining. Market development will focus on the brand, diversification, strengthen on product development efforts, to strengthen


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