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Asia Pacific Equity Research
15 October 2011
China Healthcare
Shattered landscape; hope and opportunity
Sell-off creating buying opportunities: The MSCI China healthcare index Healthcare
(down 13.5% in the past three months and 2 % YTD) is trading at the AC
Sean Wu
lowest multiples since mid-2009, with many counters offering enticing
(852) 2800 8538
valuations when set against the growth prospects, in our view. We believe sean.wu@
the sentiment has been too negative given that the secular growth of
J.P. Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited
healthcare industry looks intact and it is in the government’s interest to
strengthen, not weaken, the domestic players. We are confident that many
healthcare companies can withstand short-term negative macro headwinds
and emerge with growth outlooks intact. We believe the recent sell-off has
created some attractive buying opportunities. One-year China APxJ Healthcare
Fundamentals for long-term growth look strong - underpinned by 20%