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论文 课程名称: 建筑材料管理 题 目:材料物流管理的重要性 院 (系): 材料与矿资学院 专业班级: 材料应用 姓 名: 王 鹏 学 号: 090520220 指导教师: 张 伟 2012 年 5 月 12 日 材料物流管理的重要性 班级:材料应用901 姓名:王鹏 学号:090520220 摘要:物流在企业的经营活动中发挥的作用越来越突出明显,当前众多企业除了 把提高生产率,降低生产成本、扩大市场份额,增加销售收入作为企业的利润源 泉,也更多的关注物流管理,将提高物流管理效率作为企业的利润来源之一而建 筑工程的物质基础就是建筑材料 近年来我国各地飞速发展 城镇建设加速、房, , 地产突飞猛进、各种大型工程如火如荼。在建筑业已经进入快速发展的时候, 建 筑材料的物流配送也就成为各个建筑行业提高物资流通效率、降低流通成本的有 效手段 如何更加快速、准确地做到建筑材料的管理和物流配送就是其中的关键, 和重点。这也就体现了材料物流管理的重要性。 关键词:材料;物流管理;物流配送 Theimportanceofmateriallogisticsmanagement Abstract:Logistics in the business activities of enterprises in the role ofmore and more prominent, the current many enterprise in addition to the increase productivity, reducethe production cost, and expand the market share and increase sales income as a source of enterprise profit, also more attention logistics management, logistics management will improve the efficiency of the enterprise as a source of profits and material base of the construction project is building materials, in recent years, our country is developing rapidly, andthetown construction speed up,real estateby leaps and bounds, all kinds of large project were in full swing. The construction industry has entered into the rapid development, building materials logistics distribution will become the various architecture material circulation industries to raise efficiency, reduce the circulation of the cost effective means, and how to more quickly and accurately do construction materials management and logistics distribution is one of thekey andkey.It alsoreflectedtheimportance ofmaterial logisticsmanagement. Keyword:Materials,logisticsmanagement,logisticsdistribution



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