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2005 10 16 10 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Oct. 2005, 16( 10)#1858~ 1861 * 1, 2 1* * 1 1 赵少华 宇万太 张 璐 沈善敏 1 2 ( , 110016; , 100039) . , , , . , 1 , 3167 3875 mg!kg- 1!month- 1, 6 794% , 1326 mg!kg- 1!month- 1; 924% , 1799 mg!kg- 1!month- 1. , 5 1 , 5567556549601971 2252 mg!kg- 1!month- 1, 3 ( 3 50% , 35 mg! kg- 1!month- 1) , . , , , , . 1001- 9332(2005) 10- 1858- 04 S1536 A Research on mineralization process of organic phosphorus in black soil in Northeast China. ZHAO Shaoh a1, 2 , 1 1 1 1 YU Wantai , ZHANG L , SHEN Shanmin ( I ns titute of Applied Ecology, Chinese A cademy of Sciences, 2 Shenyang 110016, China; Graduate School of Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100039, China) . Chin . . App l. Ecol . , 2005, 16( 10) : 1858~ 1861. B ried bag and inc bation experiments w ere cond cted to st dy mineralization process of organic phosphor s in black soil in Northeast China nder different t ime seq ences. The res lts showed that bot h the content and min eralized velocity of organic P decreased grad ally as time went on, the c m lative mineralized rate increased step by step, whether it w as sed by the method of inc bation or b ried bag . Under inc bation, tw o treatments∀ min eralized velocity reached the maxim m at first month ( 3167, 3875 mg!kg- 1!month- 1, respectively) , and their c m lative mineralized rate and mineralized velocity at six months were 794% , 1326 mg!kg- 1!month- 1 and 924% , 1799 mg!kg- 1!mont h- 1, respectively. Under b ried bag, the mineralized velocity of five tre


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