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·200 · 国际中医中药杂志2016年3月第38卷第3期 Int J Trad Chin Med, March 2016, Vol. 38, No.3 ·专题论坛 · 从体阴用阳论治髓脑损伤 张霆 李蔼欣 施杞 【摘要】 本文结合五脏的体阴用阳理论探讨脊髓与脑的体用状态,提出脊髓与脑作为脏腑器官, 其形质与功用与五脏一样也为体阴用阳。临床治疗急慢性脑、脊髓损伤疾病时,既要从避免外伤、防止 退变、维护髓脑血供等方面固护髓脑之体阴,又要以养血活血平肝熄风,或调和营卫、温补脾肾为法疏 调其阳用,急者应从肺肝脾肾论治,治水降火;缓者应从心肝脾肾论治,升阳滋阴。 【关键词】 体阴用阳;脊髓;脑 Treating the spinal marrow and brain injury by the theory of “substantial yin and functional yang” * * Zhang Ting , Li Aixin, Shi Qi. Post Doctoral Research Center of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China Corresponding author: Zhang Ting, Email:ztingdd@ 【Abstract 】 Combined with the five Zang Yin-Yang theory, to discuss the spinal marrow and cerebral Yin Yang state. As the internal organs, we believe that the spinal marrow and cerebral are substantial Yin and functional Yang. Further we can diagnose and treat the cerebral and spinal marrow injury related diseases. In the clinical therapy of acute and chronic cerebral and spinal marrow diseases, we should maintain the substantial Yin by avoiding injury, preventing spinal degeneration and maintaining the blood supply; and we should adjusting the functional Yang by nourishing the blood and promoting blood circulation, calming the liver to stop the wind, keep Yin and Weiqi in balance, tonifying the spleen and kidney etc. From the authors experience ,the patient with acute cerebral and spinal marrow injury diseases should be treated by regulating lung, liver, spleen and kidney to remove the wet water and purge the fire ;the patient with chronic cerebral and spinal marrow injury diseases should be treated by regulating heart, liver, spleen and kidney to enhance Yang and nourish Yin. 【Key words 】 Substantial yin and functional yang; Spinal marrow


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