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浅议股份制商业银行英翻汉论文翻译_论文范文导读:o.Ltd.(XXXX)reflectsthelikelihoodthatgovernmentsupportinvariousformsent,cannotberuledout.Theratingalsoreflectsthebank#39;spoorassetquality,highlyconcentratedlending,loation rating on Guangdong XXXX Co.
(XXXX) reflects the likelihood that government support in various forms ent, cannot be ruled out.
The rating also reflects the bank#39;s poor asset quality, highly concentrated lending, loinimum regulatory requirements.
Based in the city of Guangzhou in southern China, XXXX ercial banks (XXXXs).
It is China#39;s seventh-largest XXXX in terms of total assets, inbi (RMB) 344 billion at the end of 2004.
XXXX is not listed on any stock exchange.
At the end of 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅议股份制商业银行英翻汉论文翻译_论文范文(2)导读:B8.3billionofothernonperformingassets(NPA),ainly provincial government-related entities.
The bank#39;s 10 leading shareholders held a bined share of 50.21% at the end of 2003.
The bank has yet to publish its 2004 financial statements, but has released selective figures.
XXXX#39;s total assets greore measured approach to expanding its business in 2004, pared 2003.
Its pre-provision return on average assets (ROAA) rose to about 1% from 0.75% in 2003.
B35.7 billion of NPLs and RMB8.3 billion of other nonperforming assets (NPA), which included reposse 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅议股份制商业银行英翻汉论文翻译_论文范文(3)导读:toryguidelineof50%.Thissituationislikelytohaveimprovedin2004,butanysignificantimprovementisunlikelybecausethebank#39;scapitalgroersisunlikelyto
ssed collateral and unamortized losses.
Its ratio of reported NPAs to total loans and other NPAs ong the rated XXXXs.
The bank#39;s special mention loans are also a concern, and may increase its NPAs.
At the end of 2003, special mention loans accounted for 7.55% of XXXX#39;s loans and discounted bills.
In addition to poor asset quality, the bank#39;s loan loss coverage ratio stood at a very lo sufficient to cover possible loan losses.
Highly concentrated lending is one of XXXX#39;s major proved in 2004,
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