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  浅论中原工学院息商务学院外语系英语本科毕业论文撰写模板 浅论中原工学院息商务学院外语系英语本科毕业论文撰写模板_论文范文导读:udentIDNumber:2003xxxxxxxxSupervisor:biguity in English and Chinese ——A Constructive Study A Thesis Submitted To Foreign Language Department Of College of Information Business, Zhongyuan University of Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts 师姓名一律为小三所填姓名,学生号,指导导 Times Nean By Li Xiaohu Student ID Number: 2003xxxxxxxx Supervisor:es Nean 体,1.5 倍行距。 Abstract此处空一行 粗居中,与中文对照 Gender is one of the learner variables that may play an important role in second language acquisition and foreign language learning, so that research on gender英文段 首空两 个字符 differences related to language has attracted more and more at 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅论中原工学院息商务学院外语系英语本科毕业论文撰写模板_论文范文(2)导读:tegytrainingaccordingtothedifferencesofthecharactersofmaleandfemalestudents,andthroughmunicationtodeveloppositiveattitudetoethodssuitabletotheiro tention. This paper examines the self-reported study of 72 university students learning English as a foreign language in China, and focuses on the effects of gender differences on motivation, the use of language learning strategies and beliefs, and teaching implications are provided based on the result of the survey. The analysis reveals that gender differences do exist in motivation of learning language, the use of language learning strategies as ale and female students, and through munication to develop positive attitude toethods suitable to their ootivation; learning strategies; learners’ beliefs小四号 Times Nean 体 加粗,关键词间以分号隔开、 小写。 II 中原工学院信息商务学院本科毕业论文 Table of Contents 四号 Times Nean 体加粗居中 Abstract (Chinese) ……………….…………………………………………………..一级标题 Times Ne 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅论中原工学院息商务学院外语系英语本科毕业论文撰写模板_论文范文(3)导读:nglish………………………………………..3.2GrammaticalAmbiguityinChinese………………………………………………..204.AConstructiveStudyofAmbiguity………………………………………………4.1GrammaticalAmbiguity………………………………………………………….4.2GrammaticalAmbiguity…………………… an 小四号字加黑:如: 二级标题、 标题、 四级标题一律为 Times Nean 小四号字,如: Ex


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