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文#8203;献#8203;综#8203;述#8203;外#8203;文#8203;翻#8203;译毕业论文(设计)外文翻译一、外文原文 标题:Past,present and future of mobile payments research: A literature revieobile payment services markets are currently under transition erous tried and failed solutions, and a futu of promising but yet uncertain possibilities ent, obile payment services market from a literature revieob payments, analyze the various factors that impact mobile payment services markets, and suggest directions for future research in the still emerging eld.
To facilitate the analysis of literature, eobile payment research under the proposed frameer perspective of mobile payments as porary research.
The impacts of social and cultural factors on mobile payments, as obile and traditional payment services are entirely uninvestigated issues.
Most of the factors out 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅论关于移动支付过去,现状,未来的文献综述外文翻译_(2)导读:ndserviceproviders.Purchasedproductsandserviceshavetobepaidfor.Initially,xed-lineephonybillingsystemsodiedtochargemobileephony.Later,mobileephonybillingsystemsobileserviceserged.Yet,paymentsb
lined by frameed ephony profoundly.
They are equipped ent of value-added mobile services, the use of mobile phones as access devices, and mobile merce in general.
The number of mobile phones in use far exceeds any other technical devices that could be used to market, sell, produce, or deliver products and services to
These developments open lucrative opportunities to merchants and service providers.
Purchased products and services have to be paid for.
Initially, xed-line ephony billing systems odied to charge mobile ephony.
Later, mobile ephony billing systems obile services erged.
Yet, payments based on billing systems have several limitations.
These include paratively high payment transaction fees, merchant and service provider plaints about un