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生态学杂志  1999 ,18 (4) ∶36 - 39 Chinese Journal of Ecology                                  厦门潮间带春季鸟类群落的生态分析 陈小麟  宋晓军 ( 厦门大学生物学系 ,36 1005) Ecological Analysis of Bird Communites in Xiamen( Amoy) Intertidal Zone during Spring. Chen Xi aolin ,Song Xiaoj un ( Dep art ment of B iology , X iamen University , X iamen 36 1005) . Chinese J ou r nal of Ecology ,1999 ,18 (4) :36 - 39 . Sampling investigation in Xiamen intertidal zone during spring indicated t hat waders were t he main component s of intertidal avian communities and 44 . 4 % of t he component s of intertidal avian com munities were composed by shorebirds ( charadriiformes) . Among populations , Tring a totan us , Charad ri us d ubi us , Charad ri us leschenaultii , Eg ratta g arz etta and Hi run do rus tica were more common t han ot her sp ecies. The structure of bird communities in each sampling area was analyzed , and t he similarity between communities was studied by using cluster analysis met hod . The result s demonstrated t hat t he avian communities in Xiamen intertidal zone might be classified into t hree typ es and t he community similarit y was related to t he intertidal base . Also , t he influential factors of community diversity and t he economic significance of t he birds in Xiamen intertidal zone were dis cussed . Key words : avian community , wader ecology , intertidal zone .   厦门岛位于台湾海峡西部 , 北纬 24° 干扰较少的潮间带样区四个 : 鼓浪屿、寨 20′,东经 118°4′左右 ,属典型亚热带海洋性 上 、田头 、前埔 ; 并在相邻大陆上的同安湾 季风气候 ,年平均气温 208 ℃,年降雨量约 ( ) 选择潮间带样区一个 :后埯 图 1 。 1100mm 。厦门岛三面隔海与大陆相邻 ,一   厦门潮间带均为无植被覆盖的裸露 面潮向外海 ;潮汐是规则的半 日潮 , 同时具 地 ,各样区的生境概况


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