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  浅论外文资料及翻译 浅论外文资料及翻译导读:ecessarytocarryoutplanninganddesignanalysis,developingthethemeofthehotoprovidesomepertinent;cannonfodder.;Thispaperintroducesthetheme,theme,theme,andarationaldistributionoffunctionsofpartstoelaborate.1.TheintroductionofthethemeThemeHoalsoknoe Ho Design: eHoe Hos emerging as a ne of ho development, in foreign countries, nearly 50 years, and in our short history, distribution range is also confined to more developed in the ho industry in Guangdong, Shanghai, Shenzhen to have to return to nature, science, technology, or nostalgic-themed ho, all reflect the unique operating characteristics. Although the theme ho in China there are nees from the domestic ho business situation, business conditions e ho, theme hos it is necessary to carry out planning and design analysis, developing the theme of the ho to provide some pertinent ;cannon fodder.; This paper introduces the theme, theme, theme, and a rational distribution of functions of parts to elaborate. 1. The introduction of the themeTheme Ho also knobody the ho#39;s architectural style and decorative arts, and culture-specific, so that customers receive personalized culture of feeling, at the same time services into the sub 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅论外文资料及翻译(2)导读:thegeneralizedserviceforcustomersulation.History,culture,urban,nature,myth,fairytalescanbeethethemeofthehotoplay.2.PositioningthemeIndoingscenicspot,thefirsttodetermineherdirectionandorientationtothemanypetitors,biggerandstronger. ject, personalized service to replace the generalized service for customers ulation. History, culture, urban, nature, myth, fairy tales can bee the theme of the ho to play. 2. Positioning themeIn doing scenic spot, the first to determine her direction and orientation to the many petitors, bigger and stronger. Similarly, the theme of the ho is also true, but ore the subject is attached to scenic location, e of the exact location of the ho is particularly important to consider the problems to be more. Hangzhou ;Dream Castle;


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