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浅论毕业论文 文献翻译.doc
浅论毕业论文 文献翻译
浅论毕业论文 文献翻译_导读:X应用技术物联X1102程路100110999钱学明2014年4月0ChallengesforDatabaseManagementintheInterofThingsThisarticlediscussesthechallengesforDatabaseManagementintheInterofThings.anagement in the Inter of Things.
anage vast quantities of data across heterogeneous systems.
In particular, odeling, transaction handling, and integration of heterogeneous systems.
to describe objects that are able to municate via the Inter.
Objects range from sensor inputs to actua- tors that control physical objects with new interacti 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅论毕业论文 文献翻译_(2)导读:totheIoT.OthermoresophisticatedbridgestotheIoTincludeidentificationofobjectsviasensingdevices5678910
ons requiring advances in machine and human interfaces.
It is ber in the trillions over the next five years of Inter development.
Haller et al.
have provided the follolessly integrated into the information art objects over the Inter, query their state and any information associated , taking into account security and privacy issues.” Historically, the IoT referred mainly to Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tagged objects that used the Inter- to municate.
Its origins lie in the manufacturing area, for example, the Auto-id project.
The Cambridge Auto-id laboratory produced a number of eans of connection to the IoT.
ental characteristics, ay be fed into the IoT.
Other more sophisticated bridges to the IoT include identification of objects via sensing devices 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅论毕业论文 文献翻译_(3)导读:ightbeepartoftheIoTandbemadeinligent:eachbookes,ourpets,everyfoodproduct,everyitemofclothing,andevenourselves.Ofcourseonecanimaginegoodandbadscenariosinthisvision.Itmightbeconvenienttoarrivehomeafteraperiodofabsencetoa
, for example, object recognition via digital imaging.
Evermore capable display personal.
Taken to its extreme, any everyday object might bee part of the IoT and be made inligent: each book es, our pets, every food product, every item of clothing, and even ourselves.
Of course one can imagine good and bad scenarios in
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