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安徽肥西中生代碎屑岩地球化学特征 及其对物源制约 李双应 李任伟 岳书仓 王道轩 刘因 孟庆任 金福全 LI ShuangYing ,H RenWei ,YUE ShuCang ,WANG Da0Xuan ,LIU Yin ,MENG QingRen and JING FuQuan 1.合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,合肥 230009 2.中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京 100029 1.Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science.Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China 2.1nsthu~ofGeology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy ofSciences,Beijing 100029,China 20034)4—15收稿.2004-03—27改回. Li SY。Li RW,Yue SC,Wang DX,Liu Y,Meng QR and Jing FQ.2004.Geochemistry of Mesozoic detritai rocks and its constraints on provenance in Feixi area.Anhui provence.Acta Petrologica Sinica,20(3):667—676 Abstract The Mesozoic strata developing in the south of Hefei basin.Feixi area of Anhui Province,comprising Fanghushan, Yuanton【gshan and Zhougongshan Formations,ale primarily composed of sandstones.Though their source rocks may be chiefly from the Dabie Orogenic Beh on basis of previous studies,there is important implication that exacdy limit the types of the source rocks,thus constructing corresponding relations between sedimentary sequences and various tectonic units,and find out the extent of actual influence of the provenances of Dabie Orogenic Belt and Huabei Landmas.Based on petrochemical analysis of the sandstones,they consist mainlv of greywacke.1ithic arenite and arkose.and major element concentrations of the sandstones fallin with Late Proterozoic orogenic sandstones.The unanimous REE diagrams of the sandstones suggest that they were formed from the same source rocks and tectonic setting.The data of REE and trace elements indicate that the source rocks were mainly composed of Fuziling and Luzhengguan Groups.1imited for Dabie complex and no Huabei Landmass matter.Meanwhile,Dabie orogenic belt might have not provided material for the Mesozoic deposition of the south of Huabei Landmass.Th—Co—Zr/10 and Th—Sc—Zr/10 diagrams and trace el


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