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  浅谈标准毕业设计 浅谈标准毕业设计导读:tertechnologytoday,itisaninevitabletrendtoemploytheputerintodiedesigningandmnufacture.ItisformulizedthatthetechnicalfeatureofthemouldCAD/CAM/CAEsystemandtheapplicationofadvancedmanufacturepatteminthemoulddomain,inthispaper.Aneethodofmoulddesign-aided 河北农业大学现代科技学院 本科毕业设计 题 目: 学 部: 工程技术学部 专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号: 2010614280503 学生 苏治飞 指导教师王泽河 指导教师职称:教授 二O一四 年 五 月二十七日 圆柱齿轮注塑模的设计 摘要:注射成型在整个制造业的生产中占有十分重要的地位。据估计,注射成型的制品约占所有模具塑料制品总产量的三分之一,注射模约占塑料成型模具数量的二分之一以上。注塑模具在模具工业中的重要性显而易见。现在,注塑模具设计和制造中的传统方法早已满足不了现代生产发展的需要。为了赢得竞争、占有市场、可持续发展,模具生产必须变革传统的生产方法,引进新技术、新思维。在计算机技术日益发达的今天,将计算机运用于注塑模具以及制造业中己迫在眉睫。 本文具体地阐述了模具的技术特点以及先进制造模式在模具行业中的应用,提出以计算机应用技术为手段的辅助模具设计的新方法。主要针对注塑模具常见的成型方式进行了分析研究,克服传统模具的问题与不足,以达到将注塑模设计过程智能化。对系统进行分析并设计出系统的总体框架,选择solidold design Abstract:Injection forming and stamping forming plays an important role in the manufacturing business. Noanufacture can hardly meet the need of the modern production. Introducing neation tehnology into this field correspond ent of the uter technology today,it is an inevitable trend to employ the puter into die designing and mnufacture. It is formulized that the technical feature of the mould CAD/CAM/CAE system and the application of advanced manufacture pattem in the mould domain, in this paper. A neethod of mould design-aided based on puter application technology is e through.In order to find the ing and blanking die designing, this article mainly discusses injection forming, and four mon types of forming: blanking, bending, deep draing.The paper analyzes the and figures out its frame , slids eodules are divided. Based on the analysis of the entities and relation of them in course of design of cupola charging, information model of this system is established. Corresponding database form is designed.I a y best to finish the design of plastics mold old 2 目 录 1 绪论 1.1引言 .............................


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