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第 20 卷 第 3 期 宇 航 学 报 Vol. 20 No. 3 1999 年 7 月 JOURNAL OF ASTRONAUTICS Jul. 1999 绳系卫星系统复杂模型研究 朱仁璋 雷 达 (北京航空航天大学宇航学院·北京·100083) 林华宝 ( 中国空间技术研究院·北京·100081)   摘 要 对绳系卫星系统提出一种仿真度更高的动力学模型, 着重研究状态保持阶段的子 星的振荡与姿态运动。主星设为质点, 与系统质心相合, 作圆轨道运动; 子星取为三维刚体; 系 绳采用珠式模型。除绳系系统动能、引力位能及系绳弹性势能外, 还考虑了系绳的结构阻尼, 以 及由系绳外包皮引起的弯曲力矩与扭转力矩。计算机辅助推导参与模拟计算程序设计。 主题词 绳系卫星系统 动力学 A SOPH IST ICATED DY NAM ICAL MOD EL OF TETHERED SATELL ITE SY STEM S   Zhu R enzhang L ei D a (Beijing U niversity of A eronautics and A stronautics) L in H uabao (Ch inese A cadem y of Space T echno logy)      Abstract A soph isticated dynam icalmodel of tethered satellite system s is p resented in th is , paper w here the tether is modeled as a system of N discrete po int m asses connected by m assless sp rings, the nom inal length of the tether is constant , the m ain satellite is taken as a po int w ith m saa m uch greater than the subsatellite’s m ass, and the subsatellite is modeled as a rigid body. So , th is dynam ic model is described w ith 3 ( 1 + N ) generalized coo rdinates ( coo rdinates of the N beads and th ree attitude angles of the subsatellite ). T h is model can describe the mo tion of the center of m ass of the subsatellite and the attitude mo tion of the end body.  


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