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高中常用重点句型(一) 1.So+be/have等助动词/情态动词+主语 “某人情况也是如此” 如: He has been to Britain. So have I. 他曾去过英国。我也去过。 I went swimming yesterday afternoon. So did my sister. 昨天下午我去游泳了。我妹妹也去了。 2.What about/How about+名词/代词/doing sth,/副词/状语从句 “………该怎么办?……做什么?”(用来征求对方意见或询问消息、提出建议等) 如: What/How about going to France this summer? 夏天到法国去度假怎么样? What/How about a walk in the woods? 到林间散散步怎么样? 3.……do as sb. does……“照某人那样去做” 如: You should do as the teacher tells you to . 你应该照你老师讲的那样去做。 When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 4、none of +名词/代词+do/does……“在……中没有任何一个做……” 如:None of the telephones can work。 所有的电话都不能工作了。 None of them are/is interested in physics. 他们中没有一个人对物理感兴趣。 5.Not +all+复数名词/不可数名词+are/is……“并非全部……”;“并不是所有的……” 如: Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory. 并不是所有的汽车部件都在这家工厂制造。 Not all the students can pass the exam. 并非所有的同学都能通过考试。 Not all factories here produce shirts. 这儿的工厂不都生产衬衣。 6、主语+系动词+the same as /the same…… as ……“和……一样” 如:The English teacher is the same age as my father. 英语老师的年龄跟我父亲的一般大。 My friend looks the same as before. 我朋友看起来没有多大变化。 7.It is /was+形容词+不定式 “做某事是……” 如: It is wonderful to travel in that great forest. 在那片大森林里旅行,真是太美了。 It is very nice to meet you. 见到你真高兴。 8.主语+be about to do……+when… “……正要做某事时……” 如: This afternoon I was just about to go swimming when luckily our guide saw me and shouted at me…… 今天下午我正要下水去游泳,这时幸亏我们的向导看见我,对我大声喊道…… I was about to go to bed when there was a ring. 我正要睡觉,这时忽然电话铃响了。 9.What(a/an)+名词+主语+谓语! How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! “多么……;……真是……” 如: What a bad sight it was! 多么凄惨的一幅景象啊! What dangerous fish they are! 这些鱼真凶恶! What fine weather (it is)! /What a fine day (it is)! 多好的天气啊! How silly the questions were! 那些问题真愚蠢! 10.Isn’t it……?/Don’t you do……?(否定疑问句用来表示对某事感到吃惊或责备) 如: Isn’t it comfortable to sit in the Chinese chair? 坐在这把中国式的椅子上难道不舒服吗? Don’t you see I’m one of yours? 难道你看不出我是你们的同类吗? 11.There is nothing but/except……“除了……外别无其他” 如: Under the s


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