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第 29 卷第9 期 武汉理工大学学报 Vol. 29 No.9 2007 年 9 月 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF 1EOINOLOGY Sep.2007 挂线基准弯道摊铺控制特性的应用研究 陈繁华1 , 2 王清海3 刘中华4 现 飞5 (1.武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院,武汉 430070;2. 内蒙古通辽市交通局,通辽 028000; 3. 内蒙古赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗交通局,赤峰 024000;4. 内蒙古赤峰市巴林右旗公路段,赤峰 024000; 5. 内蒙古赤峰市克什克滕旗公路段,赤峰 024000) 摘 要: 根据弯道变坡摊铺控制特性的理论研究,在工程实际中采用挂线法、横坡控制器和浮动均衡梁进行了不同输 入激励函数下交平板响应的试验研究,并通过对这3 种摊铺设计方法的理论和试验数据的分析,提出了解决弯道变坡摊 铺的具体措施。 关键词: 弯道变坡摊销; 摊铺设计; 横坡控制 中图分类号 U 412.3 文献标志码 A 文章编号: 1671-4431 (2007)09-0148-04 Research on the Control of the Changing Slope Curve Paving in Application CHEN Fan-hua 1,2 , WANG Qing-ha户 , LIU Zhong-hua 4 , ZHEN Fei 5 (1. Sch∞I of Materia1s Science and Engineeri吨, Wuhan University of Technology , Wuhan 430070 , China; 2. Tongliao Traffic Bureau of Inner Mongolia , Tongliao 028000 , China; 3. Chifeng Alukerqinqi Traffic Bureau of Inner Mongolia , Chifeng 024000 ,China; 4. Chifeng Balinyouqi Highway Administration of Inner Mongolia , Chifeng 024000 , China;5. Chifeng Kesketengqi Highway Administration of Inner Mongolia , Chifeng 024000 , China) Abstract: The paper on the basis of the study on th巳 control of the changing slope c盯ve paving in theory , through the study on the r臼ponses of the screed to different input signal in condition of the erected string , the controll巳r of the transverse gradient and the floating bearn on the spot experimentations , and through the analyzes the three paving design method in theoryand the experimentation data , provides some material solving meas山es to solve the changing slope curve paving. Key words: changing slope curve paving; paving


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