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7 3 () Vo.l 7 No. 3 2007 9 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY ( ENG INEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDIT ION ) S p, 2007 火电厂循环冷却水应用中水的试验研究 1 2 李传统, 卫荣章 ( 1. , 210042; 2. , 221618) [] , , , , . , , 2 12 MW , 2, 1, 5 , 38 , 45 . , , , , . [] , , , , [] TK 16 [ ] B [ ] 1672-1292( 2007) 03-0030-05 Experim ental Study on Use of Treated Dom estic Sewage as Criculating ColingW ater in Power P lant 1 2 L i Chuantong , W e i Rongzhang ( 1. School of Pow r Engin ring, Nanjing Norma lU n iv rsity, N anjing 210042, Ch ina; 2. Datun Coal E l ctricity Com pany, Xu zhou 221618, Ch ina) Abstract: Aft r routin physical tr atm nt, th dom stic s w ag still contains ammon ias, m icrob s and susp nd d m att rs. If us d d ir ctly as th circu lating cooling w at r in pow r p lant, it w ill r su lts in th corrosion of h at x- chang surfac in cond ns r, and th h at r sistanc w ill incr as on w at r sid du to alga grow th so as to influ nc th th rmal conom y of th units. In this pap r, stud i d ar th r asonabl tr atm nt m thod and proc ss of th do- m stic s w ag as circulation cooling wat r, and th influ nc factors ar analyz d and optmi iz d. Th industrial x- p rmi nt on us of dom stic s wag as circulating cooling w at r is conduct d in th wt o 12 MW coal-fir d flu id iz d- b d units, and th two y ar continuous op ration indicat s that th is t chnology f atur s nvironm n tal prot ction and h igh conom y. By using th rubb r balls cl aning onc a w k, th nds t m


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