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When Spielberg was young, his dream was to go to the Film Academy, but he couldnt. The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low. After studying English, he got a small job at a film studio. Here he worked on a short film, which won him a job as the youngest film director in the world. This was the moment when Spielbergs career really took off. DUEL won the best sound clipping in Immy Reward,which helped him grasp the chance of directing the film JAWS. From then on he started his splendent film career in following twenty years. Jurassic Park, which Spielberg made in 1993, is about a park where a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs. When the park is hit by a storm, things start going wrong. The film becomes very exciting when the children are hunted by meat-eating dinosaurs. War Horse was such a wonderful movie. It was moving, emotional, beautiful, and so heartwarming. Its sure to become a classic. The acting was wonderful, the cinematography was beautiful, John Williams score was perfect, and the horses were so well trained! Spielberg has made a masterpiece! 必威体育精装版动态 拍科幻电影出身的斯皮尔伯格最近欲回归科幻片。近日,由他担当执行制作人的科幻新剧《陨落星辰》公布了一组剧照,让翘首企盼的粉丝一窥这部神秘科幻剧的真面目。 据悉,除了《陨落星辰》之外,明年斯皮尔伯格的另外一部科幻电视剧《泰若星球》也将和观众见面。除了这两部科幻电视剧,长久以来保持了两三年才拍摄一部影片的斯皮尔伯格手中还有《迷离世界》、《海盗纬度》、《光环》、《林肯》等多部影片正在拍摄或等待拍摄,让人们佩服这位66岁老人过人的精力和意志力。 确认拍摄《侏罗纪4》好莱坞导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格2011年7月22日在参加圣迭戈国际动漫展时确认,会拍摄第四部《侏罗纪公园》,目前已锁定一个故事,一名编剧正在对作品进行改编。不过,影片需要两三年时间才能问世。他还透露会考虑将之前执导的《侏罗纪公园》和《大白鲨》制作成3D版本。 目前又有传言斯皮尔伯格将接手科幻游戏《HaLo》电影版的制作,预定明年上映。但由于只是传言,未得到证实,的确让许多光环迷又燃起对光环真人电影版的希望! * * Steven Spielberg, whose mother was a music teacher, was born in 1946 in a small town in America. He started making short films when he was still a young boy. He made his first real film when he was twelve. This was a film in which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys. He wrote the scripts for the films himself. In 1959 Spielberg won a prize for a short film which he made when he was thir
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