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答案自己整的,仅供参考、、、、、 一、词组英译汉 1.a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马 2.revitalize domestic economy 对内搞活 3.real name ticket booking system 实名登记系统 4.equal access to education 教育公平 5.a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情;极其重要的事情 6.reform and opening up policy 改革开放 7.immediate interest 眼前利益,直接利益 8.online transaction 网上交易 9.recycling of resources 资源循环利用 10.a reliable source of information 可靠信息源 二、词组汉译英 11.不必要的浪费 unnecessary waste 12.网络安全 network/internet security 13.学知识 gain/acquire knowledge 14.社会进步的体现 a symbol/ embodiment/ manifestation of society progress- 15.方便快捷 convenient and swiff/efficient 16.三思而后行 look before you leap/think twice 17.第三产业 tertiary industry/service sector 18.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition 19.审时度势 consider the situation 20.扩大知识范围 expand the scope of knowledge 三、句子英译汉 21.She was irritated at being denied the opportunity to get a pay rise. 她没有得到涨工资的机会,非常生气。 22.Reading makes a full man ; conference a ready man ; and writing an exact man. 阅读使人充实,讨论使人机敏,写作使人精确。 23.Technology is creating a global economy that is supplanting the old national economies. 科技创造的全球经济正逐步取代旧的民族经济。 24.The development of economy remains one of the priorities of the Chinese Government. 发展经济依然是中国政府的首要任务之一。 25.The ever-increasing demand for private cars could be halted by more investment in public transport. 私人汽车需求量的不断增加可能会因公共交通方面的更多投资而中止。 26.We should gradually eliminate the difference between city and country. 我们应当逐渐消灭城乡差别。 27.Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century , because nowhere in nature is it found free , owing to its always being combined with other elements , most commonly with oxygen ,for which it has a strong affinity . 铝总是和其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是和氧的结合,因为跟氧有很强的亲和力,这就导致了在自然界中没有游离状态的铝,正因如此,到19世纪才发现铝。 28.Scientists have been devoted to developing high-yield rice varieties that sparked the green revolution in the 1970s. 科学家一直致力于研究高产水稻品种,引发了20世纪70年代的绿色革命。 29.Improved housing has also contributed to a sharpened sense of aesth


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