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 遗 传 学 报  Acta Genetica Sinica , August 2004 , 31 (8) : 822~829 ISSN 0379 - 4172 Ide ntific ati o n a n d Anal ys is of a Gr o up of Hi g hl y Co ns e r ve d t rs li ke Ge ne s i n Ric e 1 1 1 ,2 1 , ① HU Xin , HU Hao , HON G GuoFan , HAN Bin ( 1. N ational Center f or Gene Research , S hanghai Instit utes f or Biological Sciences , Chi nese Academy of Sciences , S hanghai 200233 , Chi na ; 2 . Instit ute of Biochemist ry and Cell Biology , S hanghai Instit utes f or Biological Sciences , Chi nese Academy of Sciences , S hanghai 200031 , Chi na) Abs t ra ct : There are at least ten transcriptional trslike genes in rice that have been confirmed by RT - PCR and se quencing , based on the annotation results of rice genome and homologous search. These ten genes correspond to six of the ten known subunits of TRAPP complex in yeast. Four pairs of them are duplicates while the other two are unique according to the known rice genomic sequences. All of the ten genes are constitutively expressed in rice tissues and share phylo genetic homology to some extent with other eukaryotic trslike genes in their gene structures and protein se quences. Ke y w or ds : rice ; TRAPP subunits ; ERGolgi tethering ; genome annotation ; RTPCR 一组高度保守的水稻 t rs li ke 基因的鉴定与分析 1 1 1 ,2 1 , ① 胡  欣 , 胡  昊 , 洪国藩



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