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资源环境分析系列实验III实验报告 学 院: 资源与环境科学学院 题 目: 不同类型土壤养分分异状况、剖面分布规律及影响因素的研究 班 级: 农业资源与环境091 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 职称: 不同类型土壤养分分异状况、剖面分布规律及影响因素的研究 摘要:本旨在讨结果表明:(1)();Abstract: The experiments were carried out to study nutrient distribution status, rule of profile distribution and influencing factors concerning different types of soil, so as to effectively guide agricultural production or human management. Aiming at three different types of different soil layers,determine and compare the differences of each basic nutrient content. The results showed that: (1) Organic matter in tea plantation soil was higher than that in grass soil, SOM in a slope soil was the lowest. Total nitrogen in a slope soil was higher than that in tea plantation soil, total N in grass soil was the lowest. Available P and Available K in tea plantation soil was higher than that in a slope soil, Available P and K in grass soil was the lowest. Effective boron in grass soil was higher than that in tea plantation soil, Effective B in a slope soil was the lowest. (2) Say to the nutrient profile distribution rule, organicmatter, total nitrogen, rapidly-available phosphorus and potassium content reduced along with the increase of soil depth, trace elements like effective boron, copper and zinc did not show obvious difference. Key words: a slope soil; grass soil; tea plantation soil; nutrient content; distribution status; profile distribution; influencing factor 土壤是植物生长发育的基础,提供植物生长发育所需的各种养分,不同类型土壤理化特性不同,供应作物生长的养分存在差异,必然影响作物对土壤养分的吸收与分配[1-3 ]。因此,了解不同类型土壤养分供应能力,因地制宜、合理配方施肥,发挥作物最大的产量优势是当前农业生产上的主要任务之一。 本试验研究区主要位于南京农业大学卫岗校区附近。采样点分别为紫金山坡地土壤、南京农业大学校园北门附近草坪下土壤、茶园土壤。该地区位于长江下游,界于黄、红壤和棕壤地带之间,土壤性质兼有黄、红壤和棕壤的某些特征。15.8摄氏度,平均日照2008小时,年降水量1025毫米,平均无霜期227天。但旱、涝、风、冻、台风灾害时有发生。通过采集土壤样本,研究不同类型土壤的养分含量及在剖面分异变化的特征,同时探讨各种影响因子,明确研究区域不同类型土壤养分变化特点及对作物养分吸收的影响,为不同类型土壤如何培肥地力提供可靠的理论依据。 1 材料和方法 1. 1 供试材料 供试土壤采自江苏省南京农业大学卫岗校区附近的坡地土、草地土、茶园土。 1. 2 取样原则 采样时,应避免田边、路边、



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