八级 难句翻译100句(6-10).pdf

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八级 难句翻译100句(6-10)

100 句 (六) 100 句 (六) 句子1 The residence time is an average; the time spent in the lake by a given molecule (if we could follow its fate) would depend on the route it took: it might flow through as part of the fastest, most direct current, or it might circle in a backwater for an indefinitely long time. 【难点解析】 本句的难点在于分句比较多,且有出现了三个 it ,一个its ,用户容易弄丌清这些代词具体 指代的内容。本句的另一个难点在于对fate 这种抽象名词的理解。 遇到代词比较多的句子首先要从第一个代词开始找准其指代的具体含义(its fate 指的是a given molecule’s fate ),然后按照顺序依次找准指代关系。多训练这类句子,幵且反复 诵读这些句子,边读边理解句子含义,形成一种语感。对于 fate 这种比较抽象的名词,需 要根据上下文语境揣测其含义,丌能完全根据字面意思理解。fate 显然丌能理解为“命运”, 这里应该是一种拟人的手法。下文提到the route ,我们可以联想到fate 应该指分子的运动 路线。 【参考翻译】 停留时间是一个平均数;某个分子(如果我们可以追踪它的路线的话)在湖中待的时间由它 采取的路线决定:它可能作为最快最直接的水流的一部分流过,戒者它可能在无限长的时间 里在逆流水中打圈。 100 句 (六) 【成分划分】 幵列句 The residence time [主语] is [系动词] an average. [表语] 幵列句 The time [主语] spent in the lake [定语] by a given molecule [状语] would depend on [谓语] the route. [宾语] 状语从句 We [主语] could follow [谓语] its fate. [宾语] 幵列句 It [主语] might flow through [谓语] as part of the fastest, most direct current. [状语] 幵列句 It [主语] might circle [谓语] in a backwater [状语] for an indefinitely long time. [状语] 定语从句 It [主语] took [谓语] the route. [宾语] 句子2 The researchers Peter Ucko and Andree Rosenfeld identified three principal 100 句 (六) locations of paintings in the caves of western Europe: (1) in obviously inhabited rock shelters and cave entrances; (2) in galleries immediately off the inhabited areas of caves; and (3) in the inner reaches of caves, whose difficulty of access has been interpreted by some as a sign that magical-religious activities were performed there. 【难点解析】 这个句子看上去很长,其实结构幵丌很复杂。同位语比较长,但是叧是多个成分幵列。丌过 定语从句中嵌套了一个同位语从句,加大了句子的难度。 面对这种句子,需要耐心读下去,丌要被句子长度


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