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2009 年第 29 卷 有 机 化 学 Vol. 29, 2009 第 3 期, 321~333 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry No. 3, 321~333 ·综述与进展· 刺激响应型有机小分子凝胶的研究进展 沈利英 陈肖卓 于海涛* 梁 刚 (河北师范大学化学与材料科学学院 石家庄 050016) 摘要 智能型凝胶是近年来有机小分子凝胶的研究重点, 其中刺激响应型有机小分子智能凝胶对外界微小的物理、化 学刺激, 如温度、光、pH 、离子强度或电场等能够感知并在响应过程中有显著的响应行为性. 较系统地综述了刺激响 应型有机小分子智能凝胶的结构特点和近年来的研究进展, 并展望了该类有机小分子智能凝胶的应用前景. 关键词 有机小分子凝胶; 结构; 刺激响应型; 进展 Progress in Stimulus-Responsive Gels Formed by Low Molecular-Mass Organic Gelators Shen, Liying Chen, Xiaozhuo Yu, Haitao* Liang, Gang (College of Chemistry and Material Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016) Abstract Stimulus-responsive gels formed by certain low molecular-mass organic gelators (LMOGs), which are a class of “smart” materials, exhibit a dramatic change in their properties in response to the appli- cation of an environmental stimulus, such as temperature, light, ionic strength, pH, electric or magnetic fields and mechanical stress, etc. In this paper, the progress in stimulus-responsive LMOG gels, such as thermo-responsive type, light-responsive type, pH-responsive type, ion-responsive type, electric or magnetic field-responsive type, ultrasound-responsive type and mechano-responsive type has been reviewed according to their different stimulus conditions, along with their application. Keywords low molecular-mass organic gelator; structure; stimuli-responsive; progress 20 世纪 80 年代中期人们就已经提出了智能材料的 理解. 因为与传统的由共价键交联而形成的三维网状结 概念. 一般认为, 作为智能材料必须具备以下内


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