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儒家思想 儒家思想是中国传统文化的主干。孔子的哲学体系以“仁”为核心,《论语》记载着他的政治学说。儒学是一套道德规范,强调的是为人处事的正派、人际关系的和谐以及个人对国家的、责任感。在孔子看来,政治的廉洁是以人品的正直为基础的。 Confucianism is the backbone of Chinese culture. Confucius developed his philosophy around the concept of benevolence. The Analects of Confucius is a record of his political views. Confucianism represents a set of moral principles because it stresses fairness and harmony in human relationships, as well as the individual’s social responsibility for their country. For Confucius, political honesty is based on individual ethical integrity. 儒家思想似乎又风行起来了。中国有五六百万的孩子在学习《论语》;不少企业家把儒家思想引进到企业管理中;中国政府也试图通过倡导道德、公正和廉洁的儒家思想,来解决经济高速发展带来的社会问题。 Confucianism seems to be back in fashion again. About five to six million Chinese students are currently studying The Analects of Confucius. Some companies are using Confucianism as a management tool. The government is also promoting the Confucian values of ethics, fairness, and honesty. They see it as a way to address the social problems that have emerged as a result of the accelerated economic growth. 孔子还是个了不起的教育家,他平等对待学生,教给他们民主、开放的观念。用美国学者的话说就是:培养能够自然从容并适应环境的君子。 Confucius was also an accomplished educator. He treated his students as his equal by teaching them democratic and open-minded ideas. In the words of the American scholars, Confucius wanted to train his students to become more unrestrained and adaptable to external influences. 儒家学说也在世界其他地方逐渐引起了重视。这也许与中国经济的高速发展所带来的各种政治、文化,以及环境等问题的巨大挑战有关。个人主义在商品社会中的极端发展,对社会的和谐与进步构成威胁,必须寻求另一种价值观来取得平衡。而孔子的学说恰好提倡以“礼”来处理人际关系及与自然的关系,对于和谐社会的构建大有益处。 There is also an increasing awareness of Confucianism in other parts of the world. This may be a result of various political, cultural, and environmental challenges due to China’s growing economic importance. As a result, the rise of individualism in the community has become a serious threat to social harmony and progress. A different set of values are needed as a counterbalance. Confucianism emphasizes “courtesy” and “respect” when dealing with peopl


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