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Reply to an offer A. favorable reply---------- acceptance B. favorable reply------counter offer (对报盘表示有条件的接受,也是还盘的一种形式) 案例分析 我某公司于10月2日向美商发电,以每打84.50美元CIF纽约的价格提供全棉男衬衫500打,限10月15日复到有效。10月10日收到美商来电,称价格太高,若每打80美元可接受。10月13日又收到美商来电:“接受你10月2日报盘”。 由于市价上涨,我方未作答复,也没有发货。后美商认为我方违约,要求赔偿损失。 问:我方应否赔偿?为什么? 敬启者: 感谢你方4月5日对衬衫的报盘。 由于市场竞争激烈,我方遗憾的告知不能接受你方的报价,因为获利空间不大。事实上,我们接到你地区另一供应商的报盘,比你方价格低10%。 鉴于我们长期友好的贸易关系,建议你方至少降价8%。 盼佳音。 Letter of acceptance Dear Sirs, ???? We were very pleased to receive your Order No.345 for bed sheets and pillow cases. We accordingly accept the order and shall arrange delivery as soon as possible. We have confidence that you will be completely satisfied with our goods when you received them. ???? As you may not be aware of the wide range of goods we deal in we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue and hope that our handling of your first order with us will lead to further business between us and mark the beginning of a happy working relationship. ???? Yours faithfully Your company slogan Counter Offers 还盘 Introduction A counter offer is made when a potential buyer finds the terms and conditions in the offer is unacceptable or want to get more favorable terms. It is a partial or full rejection of the original offer of the seller.   还盘是交易方式之一,实质上是在某种程度上对原报盘的拒绝,受盘人在接到报盘后,不能完全同意报盘的内容,为了进一步磋商交易,对报盘提出修改意见,用口头或书面形式表示出来,就构成还盘。 还盘是原受盘人以发盘人的地位提出的新报盘。因此,一经还盘,原报盘即失效,新报盘取代它成为交易谈判的基础。    Major contents of counter offer An expression of thanks for the offer; Express the inability to accept the offer; State the reasons for non-acceptance politely; Make a counter offer( your new suggestions); Close friendly. 1. 首先感谢对方的报盘 2. 对不能接受报盘表示遗憾 3. 阐述不能接受报盘的具体原因,比如产品的报价过高、装运期过晚、包装不符合要求等等。 4. 进行适当的还盘 5. 表达与对方进行合作的意愿,并希望能得到早日回复。 A Counter Offer for Toys 写信意图: Babylon贸易公司对东田玩具厂的益智玩具进行还盘, 要求减价,因为印度的类似产品价格比对方的低10%。 Dear Ms Gao, Thank you for your e-mail and quotation. Although we are desirous of reaching an


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