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综述评介 095 DOI :10. 13530 /j. cnki. jlis. 150010 日本对华图书文献劫掠史研究综述 马密坤 李 刚 吴建华 摘 要 自甲午战 , , , 争以来 日本曾先后发动或参与了四次对华侵略战争 并趁机进行文化侵略 尤其是对我国图 , 。 , 书文献资源进行了大肆破坏与掠夺 使我国近代图书馆事业遭受了巨大损失 近年来 学界对涉及这一主题的新 、 、 、 , 、 、 闻报道 统计资料 公私档案等第一手资料进行深入挖掘 整理和研究 对日本在华掠夺图书文献的政策 事件 机 、 、 , 。 构 方式 数量与影响等进行归纳与分析 建立了日本对华图书文献劫掠史的基本脉络 本文分五个议题对相关 : , , , , 。 研究进行梳理和总结 ① 时间和地域 ②组织机构 ③劫掠方式 ④ 图书损失数量 ⑤文献保存活动 利用日方史 , 。 3 。 51 。 料和第三方史料开展日本对华图书文献劫掠史研究 是未来研究的重点 表 参考文献 关键词 文献劫掠 文化侵略 战争罪行 中日关系史 分类号 G250 A Review on the Studies of Japans Plundering of Books and Liter- atures from China M A M ikun ,LI Gang & W U Jianhua ABSTRACT After the Sino-Japanese war of 1894, Japan had launched or participated into series of wars against China. During the war times, Japan had destroyed and plundered large amounts of book resources, which constitutes an important part of those wars. Based on the analysis and summary of the related literature, this paper aims at revealing the damage and destruction of those aggressive wars, and warning Chinese people that Japans cultural aggression can not be ignored. Because the collection, verification, systemization and utilization of historical materials are closely linked to the study of history, we think the activity of historical materials arrangement is also part of the whole research process, and the compil- ations of historical materials should be regarded as research achieveme


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