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Lesson 69 The car race 本课内容 单词学习 用介词at和in的时间短语 课文讲解 练习 日常用语 口语练习 作业 单词学习 year n. 年 race n. 比赛 (强调竞技性强、激烈的) town n. 城填 crowd n. 人群 stand v. 站立 exciting adj. 使人激动的 just adv. 正好,恰好 finish n. 结尾,结束 winner n. 获胜者 behind prep.在……之后 way n. 路途(抽象) ★race n. v. 比赛 a car race 赛车 win/lose a race 跑赢/输 run a race with/against 跟…赛 a race for a train 赶火车 a race against time 与时间赛跑 His race is nearly run. 他的寿命将尽 ★ town 城镇,市区 我喜欢都市甚于乡下 I prefer the town to the country. in town 在城里 out of town 下乡,到乡下 come to town 进城 妈妈去城里买东西了。 Mother has gone to town to do some shopping. ★crowd n. 人群; v.挤上去 in the crowd 在人群中 你能在人群中看到我们。 You can see us in the crowd. crowd into 拥护,挤进…… get on the bus 上公共汽车 crowd into the bus 挤公共汽车 我每天早上七点起床,然后要挤公交车。 I get up at 7 oclock every morning. Then I crowd into the bus. ★ Stand v. 站立,矗立,站住 火车上非常拥挤,我不得不一路站到伦敦 The train was so crowded that I had to stand all the way to London. 没有座位,所以他们只好站着。 They stood because there were no seats. 这里曾经有一棵大树。 A tall tree once stood here. The chair will not stand on three legs. 三条腿的椅子站不住。 ★ exciting 令人兴奋的,使人激动的(修饰物) excited 兴奋的,激动的(修饰人) 他听到那激动人心的消息很激动 He was excited to hear the exciting news. 类似的单词还有: Interesting, interested 我对那本有趣的书很感兴趣。 I’m interested in that interesting book. ★finish ① n. 结束;最后阶段(或部分) an exciting finish 比赛的结尾非常令人激动。 The finish of the race was very exciting. ② v. 完成 finish sth/doing sth. 你吃完早饭了吗? Have you finished your breakfast? 我上周读完了那本书 I finished reading that book last week. ★ winner n. 获胜者 ? win v. 获胜,赢得 ★ behind prep. 在……之后 in front of 在……之前 我把雨伞放在了


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