Section B2 家长.ppt

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Section B2 家长

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B Period 3 (2a-2e) 翻译下列短语或句子: 1.正在播放的体育节目 2. 科幻片 3. 大多数正在上映的游戏节目(两种) 4. 一个美国文化的标志 5. 想要向米老鼠一样出名 6. 它令人放松。 7. 它让她放松。 8. 恐怖片很恐怖。 9. 恐怖片让我很恐怖。 10. 我最喜欢的卡通是米老鼠。(两种) 1.the sports show(s) on/showing 2. science fiction movie(s) 3. most of the game shows on/showing 4. a symbol of American culture 5. want to be as famous as Mickey 6. It is relaxing. 7. It makes her relaxed. 8. Scary movies are scary. 9. Scary movies make me scared. 10. My favorite cartoon is Mickey.= I like the cartoon Mickey best. think of sth/doing sth 1)想到 当人们说到文化时,我们想到艺术和历史。 When people say culture, we think of art and history. 当我们说到流行音乐时,我们会想到迈克.杰克逊。 When we say “pop music”, we think of Michael Jackson . 当我看这张照片的时候,我总会想起我的童年。 When I see this picture, I always think of my childhood。 我认为做运动很不错。(think much of) I think much of doing sports. 人们对举办(hold)此次APEC评价很高。 People think highly of holding APEC this time. 2)对……有看法、想法=think about 你对脱口秀有什么看法? What do you think of/about talk shows? 2. famous adj. 著名的;出名的 美国文化中一个非常著名的标志是卡通。 One very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. 1) be famous as作为……而著名 Mark Twin was famous as a children-story writer. 马克·吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。 Chongqing is famous as a mountain city. 重庆作为一个山城而出名。 She is famous as a serious and hard-working student. 她作为一个认真努力的学生而出名。 2) be famous for 因为……而著名 Hangzhou is famous for Xi Lake. 杭州因西湖闻名。 Sanya was famous for its beautiful beaches. 三亚曾经因其美丽的沙滩而闻名。 3) be as famous as 与……一样出名 一中和三中一样出名。 No. 1 Middle School is as famous as No. 3 Middle School. 我想和马云一样成功。 I want to be as successful as Ma Yun. 作为父母,他们不能指望我们像马云一样成功,却可以希望我们像马云的儿子一样快乐。 As parents, they can’t expect us to be as successful as Ma Yun, but might wish us to be as happy as Ma’s son. 我努力做到唱得像他一样差。 I try to sing as badly as him. 3. over 的用法: 1)prep. 超过, 在…… 以上 = more than There are over 60 students in our class.= There are more than 60 students in our class. 2) adj. 完了的,结束的 The game is over. The movie was ove


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