Section XIII 景点介绍.ppt

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Section XIII 景点介绍

Section XIII 大连理工大学出版社 Section XIII A Brief Introduction to Interest Places 景点介绍   景点介绍类应用文通常是以特定的身份或角色向他人(游客等)介绍场景、安排或计划等,介绍的场景有旅游景点、公园、校园等等地方或场所。 一篇完整的景点介绍应该包括称呼、开头语、致欢迎词,简要介绍某地、陈述安排或计划和结束语等部分构成。   景点介绍的语言特点是口语化,语言形象生动,要言之有理、有物、有情、有神。 通过一定的语言技巧给游客勾勒出一幅幅立体的画面,构成生动的视觉形象,把游客引入一种特定的境界。 在介绍景点时可涉及其位置、范围、地位、意义、历史、现状和发展前景等方面,目的是帮助游客对景点先有个总体了解,引起游览兴趣,犹如“未成曲调先有情”。以下将具体的说明此类应用文的写作要领。   在恰当的称呼之后,正文第一段,向大家表示欢迎,简要介绍自己的身份和任务,并表达自己的喜悦和荣幸之情。 如:   表示欢迎院Welcome to Shanghai and thank you for your trusting our travel agency.   简要自我介绍院I am Lisa. It爷s my pleasure to be your guide. 。 A Brief Introduction to Interest Places 景点介绍   第二段,具体介绍景点的内容和特点以及具体的行程安排。 在介绍景点时,一定要精心选择内容,全面而直观的把景点呈现给游客。 如:   表述行程的安排院The following is the schedule of the day. In the morning, ... Then   ... In the afternoon, ... That’s the end of our visiting of today.   景点特点描述院   ... the Great Wall, the grandest fortification in ancient China.   I will take you to the Ming Tombs, which is one of the best-preserved tombs in China and the last home for emperors in Ming Dynasty.   第三段,提醒相关的注意事项,并表示如有任何疑问欢迎咨询。 祝愿大家玩得愉快。   By the way, please bring a plastic bag with you to hold the rubbish.   If you have any questions, please come to me.   I hope that you will enjoy your trip. 。 2.13.1 Samples Sample A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction Ladies and Gentlemen,   Welcome to China! My name is Susan. I am very pleased to serve as your guide today.   First of all, I would like to tell you our arrangements for today. In twenty minutes, we will arrive at the Palace Museum, then spend three hours to take the tour and be back on the bus at 11:40.   Now let me give you a brief introduction to the Palace Museum. The museum, also known as the Purple Forbidden City, is the largest and best-preserved imperial residence in China today. Under the Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14 years to build up the Forbidden City. In 1987, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized it as


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