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水文地质学 Hydrogeology 河南理工大学资源环境学院 符勇 Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction Groundwater is also called undergroundwater, that is the water existing in the pores of rocks and soils. The groundwater functions include: ● A precious resource ● An important geologic agent ● An unnegligible hazard factor ● A sensitive and active factor of the environment ● An information carrier. Chapter 1 Introduction Groundwater and its existing media are of other functions. Hydrogeologic actions in national economy are relative to groundwater and their functions of exiting media. Chapter 1 Introduction 对于作为供水水源的地下水,必须 评价其水质水量,查明其分布规律。这 方面的工作形成 供水水文地质学。 The quality and quantity of groundwater must be evaluated and its distribution must be investigated. These works form Hydrogeology for Water Supply . Chapter 1 Introduction 含有某些特殊组分,具有某些特 殊性质,因而具有一定医疗保健作用 的地下水,称作矿水。矿水是建立矿 泉疗养地与生产瓶装矿泉水的必要资 源。勘查与评价工业矿水与医疗矿水, 也形成了相应的学科分支——矿水水 文地质学Mineral Water Hydrogeology 。 阳泉王兰寺圣水潭 第二章 地球中水的分布及其循环 Chapter 2 The water on the earth and its cycle 大气水 Meteoric water 地 球 上 的 地表水 Surface water 水 地下水 Groundwater 自大气圈到地幔的地球各个层圈中的水构 成一个系统。这一系统内的水相互联系、相互 转化的过程即是自然界的水循环。 The water in the spheres of the earth constitutes a system from atmosphere to mantle .The water in the system can interlink and inter-transform. The process is called water cycle in nature. 自然界的水循环按其循环途径长短、循环 速度的快慢以及涉及层圈的范围,可分为水文 循环和地质循环两类 。 The water cycle can be classified into two types: hydrologic cycle and geologic cycle according to the cycle ways and cycle velocity and sphere scale. 2.2.1 水文循环 Hydrologic cycle


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