stay up lae熬夜.ppt

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stay up lae熬夜

Stay up late Structure Part A introduction phenomenon Part B the reason of stay up late Part C the harmful consequence Part D tips and advices A few months ago,Xiaolin,a third year college student in Guangzhou suddenly fall?in?a?faint because of times of stay up and sleepless In 2010,a 24-year-old female shopkeeper in Taobao suddenly died while sleeping after overnight work for the New Arrival(新品上架)。News like that not come single,It’s reported that there are totally 4 E-commerce shopkeeper died because of stay up and overwork last year. Recently,a young staff in Beijing suddenly died after one month’s overtime season. These incidents have caused public concern and urge people began to consider more about their health and lifestyle. But,are these so important that we would rather to pay for our health and life? Of course,not. Maybe we are very clear about ,but we just can’t control ourself.Why? Because we belive that the death is far away from us. 于娟曾经说过,癌症这个名词她从来没有想到会和自己联系在一起,在她看来,她得乳腺癌的概率是如此之小:“第一,我没有遗传;第二,我的体质很好;第三,我刚生完孩子喂了一年的母乳;第四,乳腺癌患者多是45岁以上人群,我当时只有31岁。”但是现实就是这么残酷,医生确诊她是乳腺癌晚期,最多只有一年半载的生命。于是,她写下了《病中日记》:“回想十年来,我基本上没有在晚上12时之前睡过。学习、考那些现在看来毫无价值的证书、考研是堂而皇之的理由,与此同时,聊天、网聊、蹦迪、吃饭、K歌、保龄球、一个人发呆(号称思考),填充了没有堂而皇之理由的每个夜晚。厉害的时候通宵熬夜,平时的早睡也基本上在凌晨1时前。 Just like a machine,we work in the daytime and rest at night. Or we can’t operate well the next day.Even though it doesn’t matter in a short period, the harm will shown up sooner or later. Structure Part A introduction phenomenon Part B the reason of stay up late Part C the harmful consequence Part D tips and advices Harmful consequences 1 Poor Eye-sight overload your eyes not only cause dark circle (黑眼圈)but also short eye-sight . 3 frequent tired and decreased immunity?免疫力下降 The most serious sequence caused by staying up late is fatigue ?[f?‘tig]?疲劳 and lack of energy. What’s more, the immunity of human body will decrease accordingly. And some other symptoms(症状) such as cold,


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