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七下期中复习 考点一:五种问路句型 Is there a bank near here?(同义句) Could you tell me __ ___ ___ the bank? Which ____ ___ ___to the bank? ___ can I ___ ___ the bank? 重要词组集锦 在你的左边/右边 on your left /right 沿着 go along… 在……的角落 on the corner of 到达 get to 跨过 go across=cross 在…对面 across from 继续走 walk on 左转 Turn left! 交通灯 traffic lights 禁止停车 NO parking != Don’t park here! 受伤 get hurt 丧生 Lose one’s life (lives) 交通事故 traffic accident 确保安全 Keep safe 两边看 look both ways 超速罚单 a ticket for speeding 转错弯 make a wrong turn 课文重点句翻译 1. 书店在学校的对面。 The bookstore is_____ ______(对面) the school. 2.公园在银行和餐厅的中间。 2.The park is __________ the bank _________ the restaurant.( 在…和….之间) 3.它大概在你左前方100米的地方。 It’s about 100 meters____ ____ ___ _____.(右前方) 4.沿着这条路走直到尽头,你将会发现它在你的左边。 ___ ___(沿着)this street __ ___ ____(走到底)and you’ll find it ___ ___ ___. (在左边) 8 .首先你需要搭乘1路公交车,然后转乘12路车。 First, you ___ ___ ___ (需要搭乘)Bus No.1, then _____ _____ (转乘)the No.12 Bus. 9. 它距离这里大概15米。 It’s about 15 meters ________ _______ here.(远离) 10..他需要换乘21路车。 He _________ _______ _________the No. 21 bus.(需要乘) needs to take 11 .Every year, many people __get _ hurt____ (受伤) or __lose their lives__(失去生命) in _traffic accidents_.(在交通事故中) 12. How can we __keep safe(保持安全)when we are walking near the roads? 13 ._First(首先), we must obey the traffic rules_.(遵守交通规则) 14. Second_(第二),before we cross the street, we must stop(停下来) and look both ways(看两边) 15. __Third(第三),we must never(禁止) play on the street. 16 Last (最后), it’s good to help children and old people cross the street. 14 .All of us should be_ very _careful_(小心)when we are walking near traffic. 练习题 (A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。 41. There are a few p_____ telephones on the street. We can call the police from them. 42. You need to c_____ from the No. 1 bus to the No. 2 bus. 43. If you drive too fast, you may be in d_____. 44. The Great Wall is a beautiful p____. Lots of people come to visit it every year. 45.


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