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DOI: 10.6023/cjoc1109052 综述与进展 有机化学 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry REVIEW 水相钯催化Suzuki 反应 刘 宁 刘 春* 金子林 (大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室 大连 116024) 摘要 钯催化的 Suzuki 反应是构建 Csp2—Csp2 键的主要方法之一, 已广泛应用于医药、天然产物及先进功能材料等联 芳类化合物的合成. 近年来, 水相 Suzuki 反应引起了人们的高度关注. 对以纯水及水/有机混溶剂为介质的水相 Suzuki 反应的研究进展作一综述, 特别是围绕如何解决水相 Suzuki 反应活性的问题, 以催化体系为主线, 重点介绍了水溶性 配体/钯、表面活性剂、微波促进的非水溶性配体/钯及无配体钯等催化体系在水相 Suzuki 反应中的应用. 关键词 Suzuki 反应; 钯催化剂; 水相体系 Palladium-Catalyzed Suzuki Reaction in Aqueous Media Liu, Ning Liu, Chun* Jin, Zilin (State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024) 2 2 Abstract The palladium-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reaction has become one of the most powerful tools for sp -sp carbon-carbon bond formation. This coupling reaction is increasingly being applied in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, natu- ral products and advanced functional materials. In recent years, developing aqueous systems for the Suzuki reaction has at- tracted attention from many researchers. This paper reviews the recent progress in the Suzuki reaction using neat water and aqueous-organic co-solvent as reaction media. A large number of different strategies for the Suzuki reaction in water have been developed, in which the authors aim at the solutions to the enhancement of the reactivity of the palladium-catalyzed Su- zuki reaction using water-sol


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