todo Grammar[课件].ppt

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todo Grammar[课件]

一,动词不定式的作用 Functions of Infinitive 1 主语 (subject) 2 表语 (predicative) 3 宾语 (object) 4 宾补 (object complement) 5 定语 (attribute) 6 状语 (adverbial) 7 独立结构 (absolute construction) 几对易混淆的词组: stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 doing sth. 停止做某事 forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 doing sth. 忘记已做了某事 To tell the truth, I am not happy at the moment. 1. It is good to help others. 2. It is my ambition to make sure that the disabled people in our neighborhood have access to all public buildings. 3. My ambition is to work in the computer industry when I grow up. 4. I don’t have time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. 5. I am the only student in my class to have a pet snake. 6. A big company has decided to buy it from me. 7. My fellow students have begun to accept me for who I am. 8. I have had to work hard to live a normal life. 9. Some days I am too tired to get out of bed. 10. We must call on local government to give financial assistance to disabled people. 不定式的时态 1,不定式的一般式 to do He has decided to give her some money. 表示的动作通常与谓语所表示的动作或状态同时或者几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。 2.不定式的进行式to be doing He pretended to be working hard when his boss passed him. 表示的动作通常与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。 3.不定式的完成式 to have done The novel is believed to have been translated into Chinese. 不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作或状态之前。 与表示希望,期望,意愿的动词expect, hope, mean, intend, plan, think, want, wish to have done表曾经打算设想做却没做的事. eg: They expected to have gone to the match, but the tickets were all sold. =they had expected to go to the match, He wanted to have met you at the airport, but he didn’t get there in time. 表示过去没有实现的期待或者计划 hoped, promised, wanted, wished, expected, planned… 不定式的语态 主动语态 to do 被动语态 to be done It is an honor for me to be invited to attend the meeting. Everyone likes the hero to be praised. 三,动词不定式To 的几种常见的省略形式 ????? 1.感官动词和使役动词在主动语态中不需要带to,即我们常说的“一觉二听三让五看”:feel, listen to 、hear ,let、make、have, see、watch、notice、observe、look at.  He noticed Tom take a branch of flowers in his hand.  The tea


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