u4-5 复习.pptXIN.ppt

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u4-5 复习.pptXIN

U4-5复习 Why don’t you talk to your parents?同义句 Why not talk to your parents? What about/How about talking to your parents? 为什么不呢? Why not do sth= Why don’t you do sth? 翻看 Look through 以便 So that= in order that He got up early so that he could catch the bus. He got up early in order that he could catch the bus. 太多的作业 Too much homework 太多的人 Too many people 和某人吵架 argue with sb 在某方面很擅长 Be good at = do well in She is good at singing.= He is good at singing 抄作业 Copy one’s homework It’s not right to copy his homework. 足够的睡眠 Enough sleep 太多的作业 Too much homework 业余时间 Free time 直到------才 Not--------until 为了 So that = in order that 浏览 Look through 虽然,但是 Although------ 重要的事情 A big deal 感谢你的建议 Thank you for your advice 一些建议 Some advice 解决 Work out 入睡 Fall asleep 与和睦相处 Get on well with= get along with 像一多很大的乌云悬挂在上空 Like a big ,black cloud hanging over our home 拒绝做某事 refuse = not allow refuse to do sth 让我看我最喜欢的电视节目 Let me watch my favorite TV show I 有这些情感是很正常的 It’s normal to have these things.= You have these things , this is normal. 主动提供做某事 主动提供帮助 Offer to do sth offer to help 为了合适的交流 For proper communication 和----沟通 Communicate with sb Explain to sb 向某人解释=make ---clear 一直 All the time = always 反而(放在句子首位,或者句末。 Instead* instead of 代替 不管什么他想要的 Whatever he wants 知道深夜 Until late at night 我认为这是不公平的。 I don’t think this is fair. 感觉孤独,紧张的 Feel lonely and nervous all the time= Always feel lonely and worried In our class, some students think kids should do chores. Because they think it’s important for children to do chores. And it’s not enough to just get goon grades, next, doing chores helps to develop children’s independence and teaches them to look after themselves. Finally, kids should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy. However, other students disagree kids should chores. Because in their opinions, kids these days already have enough stress from school. And they do not have time to study and do housework, too. Housework is a waste o


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