中西方餐桌礼仪差异英语课件 [自动保存的].pptx

中西方餐桌礼仪差异英语课件 [自动保存的].pptx

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中西方餐桌礼仪差异英语课件 [自动保存的]

The differences of table manners between China and the west ;;Background ;Arrangement of seat ;In China, people used to use the number of the tables to define the size of banquet. In small banquets which have two tables, the table on the left or farther to the portal is the top table. At bigger banquets that have three or more tables, the rules are much more complicated. ; Generally, seats that closer to the top table take precedence(优先). For example, on the wedding party, family members of the bride or the leaderships are arranged to the table that closest to the top table. Hosts show their reverences(尊敬) to the guests by arranging seats by this way. 一般来说,座位接近顶部表优先。例如:在婚礼上,家庭成员或新娘的领导人在排列表最接近顶部的位置。通过这种安排座位的方法来显示主人对客人的尊重。; Seats at one table also have different meanings. In Chinese table manner, the seat opposite to the door is the honor seat, which is for chief guests or elders; the seats beside are the second honor seat which are for other guests; the seats that opposite to the honor seat are the inferior(下级的) seat. Inferior seats are for the host and hostess.; So before the banquet, hosts should first invite the chief guest or elders to the honor seat, and then invite other guests to the second honor seat. Hosts sit down on the inferior seats after all the guests sit down.;Arrangement of seat; Western people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends. The host and the hostess seat at both end of the table, while guests seat at other seats. The chief guest sits at the upper right side of the hostess, and the wife of the chief guest seats at the upper right side of the host. ; In China, left is honor and right is secondary. While in western, right is honor and left is secondary. The proper way to take the seat in western is to sit by the left hand. It is better not to walk out before the banquet is finished. ;The reason of seat arrangement;In western culture,the main ideology is individual consciousness.They believe that everybody’


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