人教版Unit 5 Why do you like pandas课件.ppt

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人教版Unit 5 Why do you like pandas课件

Word expressions review 熊猫 美丽的 老虎 吓人的 大象 稍微,有点儿 考拉 友好的 长颈鹿 危险(n) 可爱的 懒惰的 聪明的 Guessing game Think of an animal ,share with the class and guess each other’s animal. 听写unit4单词 【活学活用】 ①—Can’t you swim? —    . I’m afraid of water. A. Yes, I can      B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I can’t D. No, I can ②——你难道不喜欢考拉吗? ——不, 我喜欢。 —   you   koalas? —   , I like. Don’t like Yes 选词填空 help, why, do, beautiful, zoo 1. Miss Gao looks very   in this new dress. 2. A map(地图)can   you when you are in a new city. 3. —Let’s see the monkeys. —   do you want to see them? 4. How long   your baby sleep every day? 5. Can you tell me where the   is? beautiful help Why does zoo 补全对话 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。 A. Why do you like penguins? B. Because they are very smart and they are friendly. C. Yes, but my favorite animals are pandas. D. How do you like penguins? E. Do you like dogs? F. I like giraffes, too. G. What animals do you like? A:  1 ? B: I like dogs. A: Why do you like dogs? B:  2 ? A: I agree with you. How about you? C: I like penguins. A:  3 ? C: Because they are fun. A: What other animals do you like? 1. 我们挽救了五十多只猫。 We saved ____ fifty _____. 2. 狗是我最喜欢的动物之一。 Dogs are ____ of my favorite _______. 3. 长城是中国的象征。 The Great Wall is a _______ of ______. symbol China over cats one animals Practice 4. 一头大象能走很远的路并且从来不会迷路。 An elephant can walk ___ a long ____ and _____ ____ ____. 5. 扬子鳄处于极度危险之中。 Yangtze crocodiles ___ __ _____ ______. for way never gets lost are in great danger 一、特殊疑问词what, why与where的用法 【观察领悟】 仔细观察例句, 体会并写出特殊疑问词的具体用法。 1. —What animals do you like? —I like elephants. (特殊疑问词what询问的是     ) 2. —Where are lions from? —They’re from South Africa. (特殊疑问词where询问的是     ) 答案: 1. 物或事情 2. 地点 3. —Why do you like giraffes? —Because they’re very smart.



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