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Can you fill in the chart with the information(信息) in 2b? Check the answers. Studying aims : 1.能够读懂2b,并能完成相应练习。 3.能够使用描述天气的词汇和现在进行时描述场景。 2a 1.Skim(略读) and match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a. Answer some questions about the two postcards. 1.Where is Su Lin now? ______________________ 2. What is Su Lin studying there? _______________________ 3. Is she visiting some of her old friends there? _________________________________ 4. How’s the weather there? _________________________ Yes, she is. It’s warm and sunny. She’s in Canada. She’s studying English. 1. Where is Dave now? _____________________ 2. What are Dave and his family doing there? ______________________________ 3. Are they having a good time? ________________________________ 4. How’s the weather in Europe? ________________________________ Yes, they are. It’s cool and cloudy. She’s in Europe. They are on/having a vacation in the mountains. Dave Su Lin What is she/he doing ? Name She’s having a great time visiting her aunt . Dave Su Lin What is she/he doing ? Name She is going to summer school. She is studying English and learning a lot; She is visiting some of her old friends; She’s sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. He is having a great time in Europe. He’s writing to Jane. She’s having a great time visiting her aunt . 1.做某事很高兴 _______________________________ ____________________ 2. 上暑期班 ____________________ 3.拜访我的一些老朋友____________ 4. 在水池旁边 ____________________ 5.努力学习 _____________________ 6.在度假 ______________________ 7 .给某人写信 ______________________ go to summer school by the pool on (a) vacation have a great time doing sth. having fun doing sth. visit some of my friends study hard write to sb. 1. It’s eight o’clock. Jim’s father ____TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch 2. -____ is the weather there? -It’s windy. A.What B. How



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