人教版必修一unit1 warming-up.ppt

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人教版必修一unit1 warming-up

patient careful modest reliable open friendly energetic tolerant caring responsible warm-hearted outgoing interesting loyal generous smart humorous honest well-educated brave self-respected diligent easy-going talkative good-tempered athletic open-minded understanding etc get… phrases 1 Lily’s boy friend promised to take her to the dinner party, so she ______________ half an hour earlier and waited for him. 2 If I help my mother clean the house, I will __________. 3. Many people _____________ in the bullet train(动车) accident. 4 The little girl _____________ in the shopping mall so she asked the strangers for help. 1. We are rather concerned _____ Mr. Yuan’s health. 2. The book is mainly concerned _____ English learning. 3 Cindy 非常关心你 Cindy is rather concerned about you. Cindy shows great concern for you. 4. 他们问了几个有关公司未来的问题 They asked several questions _____ the future of the company. 1. 上个周末,我让人修了我家的冰箱。 I got my fridge repaired last weekend. 2 上个周末,我让Tom 修了我的冰箱。 I got Tom to repair my fridge last weekend. 3 那个小男孩整个晚上让灯一直亮着 (burn) The little boy got the light burning all the night/ the whole night. kept the light on 4. 除非被邀请,他是不会来的。(省略) Unless invited, he will not come. 5 做作业的时候,她睡着了。(省略) When doing the homework, the little girl fell asleep. 6 小女孩站在门外,又冷又饿。 The little girl stood out of the door/ outside the door/ outdoors, cold and hungry. 1 上个星期天,我找人修了我的车 I got my car repaired last Sunday. 2 上个星期天,我让Sam修了我的车。 I got Sam to repair my car last Sunday 3. 母亲让我在中秋节期间一直做作业,这让我感到非常疲惫。 My mother got me doing homework during the mid-autumn holiday, and it made me so tiring. 4. 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗? Will you add more sugar to your coffee? 5 每天到大通购物的人达到5000。 Customers to Datong add up to 5,000 everyday. 1. 过马路之时,你要小心(省略) When crossing the road,


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